
Cllr Rebecca Mackenzie

Born in Hertfordshire, I returned in 2012 to Berkhamsted, in search of clean air, more space, and a gentler pace of life; all of which I have found. I work locally as a Therapeutic Counsellor, working with adults of all ages, and it’s such a pleasure to be able to walk to work through our lovely town. My two teenage children attend Ashlyns, our local school offering so much, with wonderful teachers undertaking invaluable work. A great education in a lovely place.

I believe that the environment and wellbeing are deeply connected. My interest in public transport between Berkhamsted and other local towns stems from the impact of congestion, air pollution, lack of access to jobs and services and the economic impact on local business. I will be putting the case for improved services as a councillor. Input from residents and businesses are very welcome.

Email: [email protected]

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